Amerykański sprzęt wojskowy jest dobry na pastuchów kóz ale nie Słowian, oczywiście Poliniacy to nie Słowianie ale kundle kabalarzy i masonów z NWO. Muszą pociskać kit o wspaniałym sprzęcie z zachodu …More
Amerykański sprzęt wojskowy jest dobry na pastuchów kóz ale nie Słowian, oczywiście Poliniacy to nie Słowianie ale kundle kabalarzy i masonów z NWO.
Muszą pociskać kit o wspaniałym sprzęcie z zachodu bo wasal nie ma nic do gadania nie jest suwerennem ale sługasem i niewolnikiem, Green deal by Bidenistas progressive and a like exceptional retards is nothing but tool of oligarch to take over farmers' lands and private properties and to establish control over every person and his mind, as Trotskyists once did in Russia relatively recently. This is neo-Marxism and total enslavement. Looks like humans have a short memory and are busy watching Netflix when future is getting stolen in front of theirs eyes. Some even like it, and eating worms is their new menu, burden of responsibilities to scary proposition for them, that is why they like Davos mafia slogan "You won nothing and you will be happy" . It is a repeat of Soviet Union ideology by most are a sleeping and believing KGB tfu sorry now CIA propaganda. Are we still in America??